Thursday, November 5, 2015

Local Gov't


How are you? Congrats on baby Legacy! Family is growing.

I've got about 6mths left here in Zambia and I am beginning to think about America and what I would like to do in the future. Every time I think about a job I go back to your Stormwater Management with the local government. I wanted to pick your brain a little bit about how getting a local government job works. It seems like the job has a great balance of office work, hands-on field work, community sensitization, and all-round connectedness to what progressive things are happening.

I just have no idea what the steps are to getting that type of job. It doesn't have to necessarily be stormwater management but a job that focuses on outreach is enticing. Do you have any advice or guidance on what the process is? Or tips?

I feel like the 2 years of AmeriCorps and 3 years with PeaceCorps should help get my foot in the door. I'm also thinking about federal jobs as well but I feel like that can be a little more detached at times.

Well, I look forward to your insight. It looks like things are continuing to go great for you and the family. I always think about the way you are involved in Munice when I'm having trouble seeing the light. Pass greeting to everyone.

Best Regards,

Brandon Buck

Feed the Future Field Coordinator
USAID/Peace Corps Zambia

Contact: 0961517551 I

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

AmeriCorps NCCC Maple 2 team receiving proclamations from Commissioner Donati on their last day of service in Muncie.

Thanks Maple 2 for all your hard work, service and dedication to our community! Your kindness and eagerness to serve was contagious and touched upon the many you came to meet. Muncie and Delaware County is in a lot better shape now that you have graced us with your presence. Have a safe trip back to Iowa and good luck on your Flood Recovery Disaster Relief and round 3 and 4 projects.

Monday, June 13, 2011

AmeriCorps NCCC Maple 2 team is being sent out for Flood Recovery Disaster Relief

We just received information this Saturday that Maple 2 will be leaving this project round early to be sent out to Iowa for Flood Recovery Disaster Relief. We are thankful for the time and amount of community service Maple 2 has done in our community. They have given countless hours during the week and on the weekend, helping in so many capacities.

They will be leaving Thursday morning, so if you see them before then make sure you thank them for their service and wish them luck on their next journey.

Thank you Maple 2!!!!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Southside High School Educational rain garden completed!

Digging a tile line from the newly built Habitat House to the rain garden.

Community Work Day at Hughes Nature Preserve tomorrow (6/11) from 9am-1pm

Come out and meet the Maple 2 team for a community work day at Hughes Nature Preserve off of Brady Street near the Cardinal Greenway. Take Washington Street East all the way down to Brady, which is a couple blocks before Washington dead ends and runs into the Cardinal Greenway, turn left on Brady Street and cross the cardinal Greenway. Everyone will be gathering there. This is a work day so come prepared to walk through the woods and help. See the press release link below for more info.

Hughes Nature Preserve is owned by the city of Muncie and Red-tail Conservancy manages a permanent conservation easement on the land. Through a Together Green Grant rewarded to the Robert Cooper Audubon Society, volunteers have been removing Asian bush honeysuckle and planting native trees to bring the Nature Preserve back to it's natural state for the community to enjoy.

Finished eco-Rehab rain garden on Gharkey St.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Planting of the rain garden! Maple 2 NCCCers Diamond, Jon and Vanessa and the students did great!

I have been truly impressed with the students at Southside Highschool that have stuck it out with us for the past two weeks through all our lessons on stormwater and pollution prevention. They did great all this week as we worked through the hot sun period after period digging, hauling and finally planting today. It has been a great project and thanks to Ms. Hancock, Mr. Stout and Ms. Johnson for hosting us and leading this project!

We have added topsoil compost mix to the rain garden at Southside! Students are posing by their masterpiece!